Saturday, February 18, 2006

An Evening with Spurgeon

Below are a few selected quotations from All of Grace, the best selling book by C. H. Spurgeon. This is the gospel that I am compelled to share with those in Boulder that have not heard this good news.

"Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. It is a very surprising thing—a thing to be marveled at most of all by those who enjoy it. I know that it is to me even to this day the greatest wonder that I ever heard of, that God should ever justify me. I feel myself to be a lump of unworthiness, a mass of corruption, and a heap of sin, apart from His almighty love. I know by a full assurance that I am justified by faith which is in Christ Jesus, and treated as if I had been perfectly just, and made an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ; and yet by nature I must take my place among the most sinful. I, who am altogether undeserving, am treated as if I had been deserving. I am loved with as much love as if I had always been godly, whereas aforetime I was ungodly. Who can help being astonished at this? Gratitude for such favor stands dressed in robes of wonder.
Now, while this is very surprising, I want you to notice how available it makes the gospel to you and to me. If God justifieth the ungodly, then, dear friend, He can justify you."

"It is truly so, that Jesus seeks and saves that which is lost. He died and made a real atonement for real sinners. When men are not playing with words, or calling themselves "miserable sinners," out of mere compliment, I feel overjoyed to meet with them. I would be glad to talk all night to bona fide sinners. The inn of mercy never closes its doors upon such, neither weekdays nor Sunday. Our Lord Jesus did not die for imaginary sins, but His heart's blood was spilt to wash out deep crimson stains, which nothing else can remove."

"The grandest fact under heaven is this—that Christ by His precious blood does actually put away sin, and that God, for Christ's sake, dealing with men on terms of divine mercy, forgives the guilty and justifies them, not according to anything that He sees in them, or foresees will be in them, but according to the riches of His mercy which lie in His own heart. This we have preached, do preach, and will preach as long as we live."

Friday, February 17, 2006

Emmaus Team Meeting

The Emmaus Road core team has been meeting together every other Thursday evening to discuss the church plant and to pray together. It's been so neat to see the team grow! Two other core team families meet with us via speaker phone.

Prayer Request: Peter Tighe is going to be starting a job in Denver this coming Tuesday. Jan and kiddos will be staying in NP until their house sells. Please pray for them during this whole process!

Pictured here is the team that met last night...
Jeff and Tara Kautz, Kris and Natalie Cheek, Peter (taking photo :) and Jan Tighe, Brandon and Michelle Brinker.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Guess What?

God's not the only one who loves you...Happy Valentine's Day! Thinking of all our precious family and friends on this day of luv...

I've been studying the fruit of the Spirit and how appropriate that this week would be on the first fruit talked about in Galatians 5:22-23... Agape Love. This type of love is not fueled by the desire of its recipient; it is fueled by the need. "For God so loved (agape) the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him sould not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). If God had done what man desired, we would surely be lost. Agape means God did what humanity most needed-He pursued in us that which was highest and best. (Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore) Agape is the love of God expressed through us to others. Agape someone today :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Boulder Team in Omaha, NE

Several of the Boulder Team members were able to travel to Omaha, NE to meet with one of the newest Berean Church plants, Steadfast Bible Fellowship. It was a wonderful time getting to know their core team and talking with them about the beginning two years of their church plant.

We (Jeff & Tara and Brandon & Michelle Brinker) left on friday evening and met up Kris & Natalie Cheek and Josh & Julie Luse in Omaha. We had a great time sharing our personal testimonies and continuing to get to know one another better.

Saturday morning the team met at Panera Bread and talked about the vision and the model of discipleship for Emmaus Road. The team then met with Matt and Catherine Shada, the pastor of Steadfast Bible Fellowship, and had some time to get to know them better. That evening we met at the Shada's home with SBF's core leadership team. It was so encouraging to hear them share their journey in church planting. They had so much great information for us to think about.

Sunday we attended the SBF's morning service. They are currently meeting in a middle school and their team is doing a awesome job! It was neat to see all the Lord is doing in Omaha.

Thanks to all our family who helped with the boys this weekend! We couldn't do it without your support and prayers.

Josiah Pics

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Kristopher Pics

Family Picture

Christmas 2006, Centennial, WY
Jeff, Tara, Kristopher (3 yrs.) Josiah (23 months)

Dad (George) & Mom (Jan) Cheek
Jeff, Tara, Kristopher, & Josiah Kautz
Kris, Natalie, Taylor Cheek

baby bloggers...

Welcome to the world of blogging with the Kautz's! Jeff and I are excited to keep all our friends and family up-to-date with our latest happenings through this blog site. Just to bring you up to speed...

In January of 2005, we began to feel like the Lord was calling us to change. We really didn’t know what that would be but we felt that our first step should be to get out of consumer debt. We decided to sell our home and use the profit for that purpose. With the exception of school loans, we are debt free and it has been a freeing step of obedience! After our March trip to Peru, we were approached with the opportunity to be on a Berean Church planting team. After prayerful consideration we decided to move with the team to Boulder, Colorado, one of the top ten unchurched cities in the US. The move will take place in June, 2006 or when Jeff finds a job in the area. Only God knows what the highlights of 2006 will be and we are Believing God for His best!

In the upcoming months we will have more information about the Emmaus Road Church Plant. Let us know if you would like to be on our prayer support list!